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Golf Tournament

 Chapter President: Nick Brumfield

The Eta Omega chapter officers are charged each year with discovering and acting out a passion project. Passion projects allow us to choose something we are passionate about and make a difference through Phi Theta Kappa. For my passion project, I decided to assist with the annual Berean Children’s Home golf tournament. This golf tournament was held on Saturday, October 5th, 2019 at the Brookhaven Country Club. There were eleven, four-person teams to participate in the event. The Eta Omega chapter sponsored a hole, provided free water, and I, along with Adam Martinez, played in the tournament. Overall, the tournament was a huge success, raising almost $6,800 dollars for the Children’s Home.


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Sock Drive

      VP of Leadership: Emily Warren

For my Passion Project, I organized a Sock Drive for the Jackson Homeless Ministries.  Taking place in October, my project was completed right as the colder months began to set in.  Clean, warm socks are always a need for the homeless and can make a big difference in helping them stay warm. I collected and distributed over 100 pair of winter socks as well as the ministry’s normal Saturday meal. 

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Book Drive

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VP of Service: Allie Townsend

 I organized a book drive for students at Co-Lin and community members to donate books to school libraries. The schools I partnered with were Brookhaven Elementary School and Loyd Star Attendance Center. As a future educator, reading is overly important to me and I also believe it is very important for the future leaders of the world. Due to Mississippi’s lack of funding for MS school libraries I wanted to help out. I believe something we can all do is donate! I am accepted any books from K-5-12th grade. I chose to do this because my goal is to make a difference in student’s lives.  I hope that by doing this book drive I have accomplished that. Throughout September 18, 2019-October 9, 2019, I collected a total of 225 books. Thank you all for supporting and giving to this cause!!

Toy Drive


VP of Membership: Tristen Jaudon

What is a better way to celebrate Christmas than the opportunity to give back? For my passion project, I chose to host a toy drive for the children at Blair E. Batson’s Children’s Hospital. It takes place all of November. At the end of the month, I will collect all the toys donated, and take them to the hospital so they can distribute them to the children at Christmas. I will have drop off locations at Dow Young and Enrollment Services, so take your donations there. The hospital will only accept new, in the box toys. Each toy dropped off will count as two points up to a max of ten points.

T-shirt Fundraiser

VP of Scholarship: Melody Ashley

My passion project is to raise awareness for Amber Brinson. She was in a life changing car wreck on August 7th, 2019. She was left paralyzed from the waist down, but we are hopeful for her recovery. She was in the hospital and in a rehabilitation facility for six weeks. I decided to do a fundraiser to help her family pay for the costs of the bills and raise awareness for her situation. I decided to make T-shirts that show her faith and how she is a fighter. My friend comes from a very strong faith background and ultimately this pushed her to be strong through it all. The T-shirts show her that the community supports her and that she is not fighting this battle alone. 

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Running Club

VP of Communications: Audrey Williamson

For my passion project I started a running club. For the past 6 years I ran competitively for the Brookhaven High School Cross-Country team as well as a little track. For I long while running was all I knew. Once I came to Copiah-Lincoln Community College, there was no type of running activities, and after running for so long, nonstop, it physically and emotionally was shocking for me. When I became a PTK officer and was told  to think of something your passionate about and do it, I immediately knew what I was going to do. We run every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday around 6 p.m. at the track around the football field. Once it cools down a little we are going to move the meeting time up to 1 p.m. so more off campus students can get involved.  At the first meeting we had about 9 people show up!

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Youth Gathering

VP of Fellowship: Adam Martinez

PTK has given me many opportunities that led to great experiences. Being a PTK officer challenged me with the task of putting together a passion project. Planning my Passion Project, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to devote this project to the Word of God. So I began to think about something that I was finding in young adults today. I found that popularity and social status is playing a huge role in how a young male or female think about themselves. Youth today are stuck in the trafficking of social media and worrying about how many "likes" they get or how many “followers” they have and this is all wrong. In Colossians 3:2 the bible says, "We should focus on the things above, not on the earthly things." Many youth find their worth in these earthly things when there worth is found in heavenly things. So, planning my passion project I wanted an event to show these students that they are worthy, perfect, and beautiful. The event I hosted was called "Worthy". I had a speaker and a band come to speak and perform to these college students. I not only wanted to give something to the students but I wanted to give to missions also. At the end of the event an offering was taken for Callie's missions, which is designed to get new young missionaries on their feet and out in the world. That night we raised nearly $400 and had a wonderful time.

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